Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Diet Solution: Scam or Legit? A Honest Review by an Average Joe

Struck with the problem of lingering on the edge of obesity, I decided to plunge $77 to buy The Diet Solution. To my dismay, I soon realized that part of that money went down the drain.

Around six months ago, I was having a mental battle with myself, should I eat to satisfy my love for food? Or should I lay back on the sweets and lose some weight. I am 5'11'' and I was flirting with the 300 mark. I had decided to sign up for the local gym to trim some fat off and still enjoy the juicy steak that I would no doubt have the next day. In that gym, I made a great friend. He claimed he used to be in the same situation as me. I did a second take. "Same as me?" I thought. He looked like a track athlete! Then he showed me this product called The Diet Solution.

Eventually, I couldn't commit the hours of the gym.I just couldn't make the hour a day due my job and family. At the same time, my weight problem wasn't being solved. I searched up The Diet Solution and read about it. The site was convincing enough for me to try it. Seeing the $77 price tag, I thought nothing of it and purchased it.

It was the best thing I had ever done. While it is not a miracle maker, the tips presented by it make so much sense and are so effective that I saw changes extremely fast. Here I am, six months later, weighing about 215 pounds. It showed me that I was doing many things wrong and that I wasn't going to lose much weight with the way I was acting. The best part was that I lost weight without spending an hour a day at the gym.

Now how is this a scam you may ask. Well, around two months after I bought it, I introduced it to a long-time friend from high school. While he wasn't as obese as me, he was still plump and wanted to lose the extra fat. When I presented this to him, he was skeptical. He was always the skeptical one, doubting every single thing in high school. Despite my praise, he decided to do further research. "It's going to be the best thing you'll ever try! Just trust me." I told him. He waved me off and continued his research.

To my dismay, he got the final laugh. Somehow, he came upon a link that linked you to a special promotion. This promotion made this product cheaper by $30! I have no idea how I never found that link but I was really frustrated. Even though this product is great, I still spent $77, in tough times.

To help you guys avoid my dilemma, I have decided to publicize this promotion. Why spend $77 when you can get it for much less? This is a product that you won't regret getting and I think would change the way you and other people will think of you. In other words, it will change your life. The Diet Solution may have scammed me but trust me, following it will change your life. To access the promotion, just click on the picture below.